Helpful people-search databases
The Blade’s Ohio Voters Search database ( is helpful in tracking down people, addresses and birth dates, etc. However, I recommend some other free and easy-to-use people-search databases.
Any of these databases may be helpful in gathering information for stories.
- Voter Registration Records is a national database with more than 92 million records from 19 states, including Ohio and Michigan. The URL is
- Ohio Resident Database is a database for looking up Ohioans and their home addresses. It gives year of birth, but not date of birth. When you click on the “View Details” tab, the site provides a home address, party affiliation and possible relative(s). Warning: Ignore the “Other Data” section at the bottom of the page. The salary and net worth figures are not accurate, as the information is based on an algorithm and NOT records. The URL for the Ohio Resident Database is
- My Voter Information is the Ohio Secretary of State’s site for checking registered Ohio voters. There is a drawback with this site: All fields (First Name, Last Name and County) must be filled out for it to work. The Blade’s Ohio Voter Search database requires only one field to be filled out. The URL for the My Voter Information site is
- The newsroom-created Ohio Voters Search database contains more than 7.8 million records from registered voters in all 88 counties in Ohio. The records come from the Secretary of State and provide names, date of birth, home address, party affiliation and congressional district. The URL is
If anyone has other databases they recommend, please let me know and we will list them on Your SOURCE. Thanks.