Website article pages live; a few procedural changes
The new article pages are live on and there are some minor procedural changes when adding stories to Libercus. One of the most important changes is the introduction of the Publishing Target.
When posting stories, please only select two section categories, plus Home. The category listed at the top of the field is the publishing target, which is the sub-category that best fits the subject of the story. Then, select the main section (a-e, business, local, sports, news and opinion). Then Home.
Only select one main and one sub category, for a total of three categories in the section field. If you don’t see a sub-category that fits your needs, select the closest match. But all stories must have a a sub-category, main category and home category selected.
Other changes worth noting:
- Bylines should read “By Larry Graham / The Blade” with a space before and after the slash.
- For staff reports, it should read “The Blade,” not “By The Blade” or “BLADE STAFF.”
- Shirttails are no longer needed. It’s formatted into the byline script and we’re looking into other changes there.
- The Tags field is no longer needed.
For those interested in the new template options for these article pages, you’ll find instructions here. Stories still require a properly formatted post note Your respective editors will provide a brief read before the digital team posts the story online.
If you have any questions, email [email protected].