Zoom meeting May 11 for APME Awards
Ohio APME will announce the 2020 award winners during a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, May 11 from 7-7:30 p.m.
Ohio APME is electing not to have any in-person events this year.
Anyone is welcome to attend this meeting.
At the end of the meeting, a complete list of all the APME awards will be posted to the APME website (ohioapme.com). Award plaques and framed certificates will be mailed after the meeting.
Here is the link for the Zoom meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4514245677?pwd=Nk5VNTJhUjFqakdqUWRUV29ORFF3dz09
Meeting ID: 451 424 5677
Passcode: LD9m8S
Good luck and congrats to all,